When you ask somebody what their greatest achievement in life is, majority of them will say that it is some trophy or award they won in some competition. However for me, the word achievement has a whole different meaning; because for me, my greatest achievement is not a trophy or an award I've won, rather, it's something I've learned. Mistakes are something we all make every day; but it is learning from them which really makes all the difference; and that is what I have done all my life, "make the difference."
My greatest achievement in life is undoubtedly my greatest failures in life. To "learn from your own mistakes" is a quote by which I have lived all my life and will continue to live by. All my life, I, like all other humans, have made mistakes. However, unlike others, I have squeezed through these huge walls of mistakes and have come out as a reformed individual, with a positive outlook on life. They say that experience is the best teacher; and what better way to get experience than from your own mistakes. May it be in terms of academics, self-reform, or even in helping others, I have made mistakes; but have never let them overpower my confidence and perseverance to succeed in life.
It is rightfully said that mistakes are the stepping stones for success; and in my past, I have made countless mistakes, and thus I assume that I am on the right path. My biggest mistakes in life can most probably be related to my love for taking risks. The desire to do off-the-beaten-path things takes away my fear of failure and lets me take risks without thinking about the outcome. I have always tried to remain consistent throughout my entire academic life, but "to err is human", and that I am. By this I mean to say that, like other, I too had