3-Year Marketing Plan
Student Name: +
Student ID: +
Date: +
Mentor Name: +
Table of Contents
Mission Statement
The Product
Consumer Product Classification
Target Market
Competitive Situation Analysis
Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model
SWOT Analysis
Market Objectives
Product Objective
Price Objective
Place Objective
Promotion Objective
Marketing Strategies
Product Strategies
Price Strategies
Place Strategies
Promotion Strategies
Tactics and Action Plan
Product Action Plan
Price Action Plan
Place Action Plan
Promotion Action Plan
Monitoring Procedures
Introduction While this section is not expressly requested in the task instructions, it is usually helpful to write a paragraph that introduces Company G and the product or product line that you are writing this marketing plan about.
Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing innovative electronics solutions.”
The Product
The task instruction is: Explain how the product you have selected supports Company G’s mission statement provided in the task introduction. This should be a 1-2 paragraph section that includes a detailed description of your product. Then discuss how the features of your product support the given mission statement, stated in the previous section.
Consumer Product Classification The task instruction is: Classify Company G’s products using the three-way consumer product classification system. Please refer to the recommended text for information on this. See index topic: “consumer products, classification of.” Please also check the learning community for a blog or discussion on this topic. Before completing this section, it is recommended that you complete the Marketing Plan Worksheet, which is linked to the course of study. Ask the course mentor for it if you do not already have