Outline and discuss the principal causal factors that encourage firms to undertake the international marketing of their products and services.
Cultural and political forces influence international marketing activity. Discuss the impact of these forces and illustrate your answers with examples.
“The global competitor will seek to standardise his offering everywhere” (Levitt). Critically evaluate this view with specific reference to a firm’s international product/service strategy and communications strategy. Illustrate your answer with examples.
International marketing is seen as the strategic process of marketing among consumers whose culture differs from that of the company’s own culture. If the marketing manager wants to succeed they must create the marketing mix that meets the consumer’s values with respect to their culture. Discuss and illustrate using any elements or dimensions of culture of your choice.
Discuss why it is important for marketers to understand consumer buying behaviour and the role of this behaviour in different cultures for the successful implementation of their international marketing strategy.
How does the differences in culture impact upon consumer behaviour and marketing practice in international markets? Outline how the elements of culture impact on the above.
How do cultural and political factors impact on marketing practice in international markets? Illustrate your answer with examples.
Identify and discuss the underlying motivations for certain political actions by governments. What measures might a company take to lessen its political vulnerability and risk?
Choose an international firm of your choice – undertake a comprehensive analysis of the macro environmental forces indicating the likely influences and challenges to be faced by this firm in the next five years. Your answer should attempt to link such challenges to anticipated strategic responses by your chosen