Nothing is constant in this world. Everything is changing. People are becoming more intelligent, creative and innovative that lead to the creation of countless inventions to make life easier and faster like skyrocket. I strongly agree that modern high technology affects our day-to-day life and is indubitably beneficial to the society.
Life in this fast-paced world is indeed stressful and toilsome. People must go with the flow of its tempo. One would actually hope to multiply oneself to do household chores, finish paperwork and go to the office on time, all in one day. Thanks to the appliances, computers and automobiles, time and effort can be saved. One cannot even imagine cooking in pots, doing hand laundry, using visual aids for presentation, going to the library for research and walking for kilometers to work everyday under the scorching heat of the sun or the stingy heavy raindrops in an urbanized society!
What is more breathtaking is that technology strengthens the bond of families, peers, co-workers and couples near or far. With the aid of internet, mobile phones, Ipads or tablets and laptops, everyone can get in touch through the internet and treasure a myriad of pictures with just a click of a finger. A great farewell to snail mails, papers, pens and film-based cameras.
Furthermore, it is heartbreaking to hear that thousands of people die each day due to ignorance, wrong diagnoses and usage of analog devices. These can be prevented through awareness by health programs seen on television, impeccable diagnoses by doctors and proper treatments with the use of highly advanced equipment. Consequently, all these can make the lives of both patients and health professionals meaningful.
To adduce with my experience, my teenage years were less likely pleasurable. I had to buy paper stationary in response to love letters and had it unpleasantly handwritten with