MOOC research
MOOC Research MOOCs is an abbreviation for Massive Open Online Courses that are free online courses last approximately 2 weeks than typical online courses that last several months which are best known as the model that could potentially make higher education available to all. MOOCs are available to anyone that sign up at the appropriate start date and are usually free of charge or in some cases, require a small affordable fee. These courses also incorporate the use of social media to have active communication amongst the students as well as the professor instructing the course. MOOCs are true to its name because it is widely open to all people who can obtain internet access around the world, and the enrollment is unlimited. These courses are currently restricted to universities such as Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Coursera, EdX and Udacity. Although MOOCs are restricted currently, many other schools are processing plans to begin offering MOOCs at their schools in the near future due to the popularity the courses have created. The model of MOOCs is relatively new and a completely new concept of higher education virtually being available to anyone. The idea of free higher education has begun much discussion and concern for what is to come of future education therefore it most definitely contains both strengths and weaknesses. The possibility of MOOCs becoming widely available education than just a temporary experimented fad raises speculation of how this could negatively impact university campuses. Being that MOOCs are online courses and in some situations, free of charge raises debate of whether or not these courses could take away funds from the campus, faculty and damage the student life of the campuses. Besides the affect MOOCs could potentially have on the campuses and faculty, it also has the potentially of setting students back. This set back is due to the courses not being credited, thus, a waste of the students’ time and effort. Another disadvantage of
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Pima Community College Library
Mangan, Katherine(2012) Chronicle of Higher Education; 10/5/2012, Vol. 59 Issue 6, pB4-B5, 2p