Moorea is a South Pacific Ocean,which are part of the French Polynesia’s Islands.This Island has volcanic mountains and beautiful beaches. Although Moorea is a wonderful place to do many races and activities out on the waves. This island is SO romantic.The best part about this island, is the population is only 16,000. Which means you don’t have to worry about being crowded. …show more content…
While you are walking around and seeing posters about the Heiva i Tahiti 135th edition the visitors are wondering what Is that. Well, i’m going to tell you it started in 1881,this event is an important event for the Polynesian culture.There is so much to do for example, there is dance competitions which is really important ,music,choreography and a lot of costumes. The reason they wear costumes is because It's based on historical or legendary themes.The visitors have a really good time.
Take moorea as a gateway place or even a place family vacation. Moorea is such a beautiful place to be. I have given the background information if the visitors want to learn more than they can google it to get more info. But when they see the pictures of Moorea their jaw will drop to the floor. It may seem expensive, but from what i learned it's worth it. I rate this island a 8 out of 9. That is a good rating and I didn't just pick it because i did a lot of research. When i first looked at the pictures I knew that this would make a wonderful research paper. And well, I think that i did a wonderful job of providing the research of
Moorea. Have a wonderful trip.(Flangon