197 Wynford Road, Islington – London
E: matteotanca@incomingconnection.net T: +44 74 50626357
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/matteotanca/en – Web: www.incomingconnection.net
01/2013 – Present We R Interactive – London, United Kingdom
Role: Software Developer
Project Title: Lyroke (music social game for Web, iPhone/iPad, Android)
Website: www.lyroke.com
Description: development of one of the most popular free music games on the market. Being part of a small and agile development team, I work on the vast majority of the code base, implementing both client-side and back-end code, as well as ad-hoc native plugins for the mobile versions of the game (Android and iOS).
Key Responsibilities
Client-side game logic and UI programming (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery)
Back-end logic programming (PHP)
Integration of third party technologies (e.g., Tapjoy, SupersonicAds, Facebook OpenGraph, …)
Development of content management and administration tools for the game
Mobile development, based on PhoneGap framework
Native-code plugin development, on both Android (Java) and iOS (Objective-C)
Technologies used: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS, PHP, PhoneGap, Java, Objective-C, MySQL, Cassandra, Git.
04/2013 – Present Part-Time Freelance Development – London, United Kingdom
Description: on my own free time I occasionally do some freelance and open-source web/application development. Recent examples of work include:
MoongazerCards: a custom website and online shop for cards and prints. The development included implementing the UI based on mock-ups from the client, a full-fledged Paypal integration, and building a custom product management and administration system for the shop.
Website: www.moongazercards.com
Technologies used: Python, Django, MySQL, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, Git.
VirtuaRoom: a virtual classroom solution, supporting audio/video meetings with multiple users, shared whiteboards, moderation tools and on-the-fly document
References: Available on request