Employee Portfolio: Motivation Action Plan
Determine the motivational strategy or strategies that would likely be most appropriate for each of your three employees on basis of their individual characteristics. Indicate how you would leverage their employee evaluations to motivate each of the three employees. Describe one or more of the motivational theories and explain how the theories connect to each of your selected motivational strategies.
|Team Member Name |Summary of Individual Characteristics |Motivational Strategy and Action Plan |Relevant Theory |
| |Personal (gets along with the other employees). | | |
|Derrick |Strong work ethic, likes to stay busy. |Because Derrick is not fully trustworthy without supervision a |A relevant theory to the motivational strategies |
| | |strategy that could be used is to give good input and be direct |for Derrick is mixed between the goal setting |
| |Not fully trustworthy with no supervision, not |or upfront to them because he may not realize what he is doing |theory, and the cognitive evaluation theory. The |
| |completely committed to work policies. Easily |to be un-trustworthy. Eventually when Derrick starts to become |goal setting theory because we have addressed his|
| |stressed. The most leadership skills out of all |more trustworthy I could empower him by letting him be in charge|issues, and set a specific goal and plan to |
| |three, but still needs some work. |of his own thin and