Executive Summary
This report I am writing considering my workplace i.e. ANT, Sydney (involved in presentation and cleaning services for railway and property). I am grateful to my trainer Mr. Maruf for his guidance and providing inputs which helped me very much.
Part A
1. Identification of Stakeholders
Stakeholders may include
All individuals and groups both inside and outside the organization that have some direct interest in the organization’s behavior, actions, products and services such as:
Users of the human resource services
Employees at all levels of the organization
Other public sector organizations
Inter-agency forums
Union and association representatives
Senior committees
Boards of management
Government committees
2. Training Needs Analysis
Step 1: Analyze the Job
Discuss with the staff member the existing resources that describe the job such as the current position description, the outcome of the most recent performance review & development discussion, position description templates and also position descriptions of recently advertised positions.
Step 2: Analyze the Person’s Current Skills & Knowledge
Together with the staff member identify the skills and knowledge the person currently has by observing him and using other information.
Step 3: Decide on the Skills/Knowledge Gap
By the time step 2 is completed a list of areas where some training would be required to improve the effectiveness of your staff member may already have started to formulate. You need to decide whether there is a gap in the staff member’s skills or knowledge or whether some revision is required to bring them up to scratch.
Step 4: Identify Training Solutions
One on one training or coaching in the workplace.
Second – to another department/section in the university or outside the university.
Self-directed learning e.g. using written