* Careful attention to the problem definition stage allows the researcher to set proper research objectives. If the purpose of the research is clear, the chances of collecting necessary and relevant information and not collecting surplus information will be much greater. * “The adge” a problem well defined is a problem half solved is worth remembering.
Q2What are the advantages and disadvantages of secondary data?
Advantage: Highly available, fast to get, less expensive. Instantaneous.
Disadvantage: Not designed specifically to meet the researchers’ needs. Outdate, variation in definition of terms, different units of measurement, and lack of information to verify the data’s accuracy.
Q3Explain what is meant by an in depth interview? Also explain under what circumstances is it preferable to use focus groups rather than a depth interview?
* A relatively unstructured interview in which the interviewer asks many questions and probes for in-depth answers. * The depth interview last very long, requires extreamly skilled interviewer; hence it is expensive. Depends on discretion of interviewer and his skills in that case. Good interviewers are hard to find. The reactions have to be recorded on both sides. Focus groups are a good alternative to these problems.
Q4What is the difference between a sample and a census? * A sample is a subset, or some part, of a larger population. * A census in an investigation of all the individual elements that make up a population. * Sampling is often more beneficial than a census for: * Pragmatic reasons, such as budget and time constraints. * Accurate and reliable results
-Most properly selected samples give sufficient accurate results.
-However, there is a relationship between sample size and accuracy. * Destruction of test results.
Q5Explain what is meant by