Mulholland talks about the Myers-Briggs personality dimensions and he details the strengths and weaknesses common to each combination plus our tendencies and vulnerabilities in our spiritual formation journey. (p. 66) My dominant way is ISTJ. As an introvert, I tend to be reflection rather than action oriented. I score high as judging which means I have a preference for order. He mentions that we need those who are different from us to complement to provide a holistic
Mulholland talks about the Myers-Briggs personality dimensions and he details the strengths and weaknesses common to each combination plus our tendencies and vulnerabilities in our spiritual formation journey. (p. 66) My dominant way is ISTJ. As an introvert, I tend to be reflection rather than action oriented. I score high as judging which means I have a preference for order. He mentions that we need those who are different from us to complement to provide a holistic