Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive, degenerative disorder of the nervous system. Young adults between the ages of 20 and 40. The occurrence is rare and only afflicts about 400,000 in the United States and 1 million people worldwide which are at a rate of about 10%.
The disease takes one of four potential directions once the disease has set in and been established. Relapsing involves around 85% of people affected. Flare-up episodes normally have worsened conditions which are followed by partial to complete recovery periods. MS affects the brain and spinal cord and damages the myelin sheath, which is the material that surrounds and protects our nerve cells. Once the damage begins it slows or blocks messages between your brain and your body. This then leads to the symptoms of MS. The Symptoms of MS include; Visual Disturbances, Muscle weakness, trouble with your coordination and balance, Sensations such as numbness, prickling, or pins and needles, and Thinking and memory problems.
Symptoms vary, because the location and severity of each attack can be different. Episodes can last for days, weeks, or months. Episodes can also alternate with periods of reduced or no symptoms (remission). Because nerves in any part of the brain or
Bibliography: Mark Zelman, P. E. (2010). Human Diseases 7th Edition . Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Julie levin Alexander. Medicine, U. N. (2012, August 27). Multiple Sclerosis. Retrieved from Medline Plus: Staff, M. f. (2010, December 11). Multiple Sclerosis. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: