As it is well said that we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sail, similarly, in the way to our destination, we will come across lot of obstacles, but we need to find the way to come across that situation. This is where the success lies. No matter how low we fall, but what matters is how high we bounce back Success can be measured by what we have and how much of the power we are using to achieve our goal. For, example while in playing games, it is sure that one team will win and other will lose, but the spirit is not just in winning but in learning new techniques and improving the team sprit and cooperation. Winner team cannot always be successful, but the successful team is the one which has improved a lot with respect to its earlier performance.
Though the person is honest, intelligent, faithful and committed, it is not sure that he will be successful. The most important rather than these is to know the environment and the need, and implementing best of the best ideas and actions. No matter how smaller step it can be, but it can bring great changes. As Shiva Khera has said, “Winners don’t do different things but they do things differently”, better explains the meaning of being successful. Success is not just winning, but more than that is how much we are satisfied with whatever we are doing. So, all qualities like honesty, intelligence, and