Maria Kute
English 102-106
15, February 2012 My Favorite Place My Favorite place is in Sedona, Arizona, and it’s called Slide Rock, the park is named after the famous Slide Rock, a stretch of slippery creek bottom adjacent to the homestead. Visitors may slide down a slick natural water chute or wade and sun along the creek. They will have to pay a five dollar parking fee, which is well worth it. They can also camp out at slide rock and look at the beautiful view. On my trip to slide rock, I sat in the bright cherry red Durango with my mom, dad, my sister Amber, and my brothers Brandan, and David for ten tiring hours. My head was pounding from all the music and people talking. Then, as we started going high up in elevation, I looked down the tall rocky mountain that was filled with green tress and cute, tiny little houses. Iwondered what it would be like to live on a mountain. At the same time, I was very anxious to get off the mountain because of the fear I have with heights. Finally, my dad says “we are here,” I was very enthusiastic about getting out of the car and being able to go in water. While I was walking down towards the water, I saw about 400 different colors of swimming suits on people's bodies, shining when the sun hit them. People were having so much fun; I was able to tell by how much they were screaming of excitement. On the shiny red rocks there were girls soaking the sun into their pale white skin. Then, when I looked down in the blue fast moving water, I saw cheerful little kids going down the natural water chute, showing their pearly whites as their parent grabbed their camera. When ever we found a spot to set our stuff down, the first thing I did was jump off grasshopper point, which is as tall as a 5 story building. It was very exhilarating, but yet very fun. Right when I jumped into the freezing cold water, I felt like I was in a pool full of ice, but I still wanted to