They will often find it hard to understand things until it is explained in a form of a picture or chart. These students need to be in a quiet space because they learn better when studying alone and are easily distracted by noises around them. They tend to start getting impatient when listening to an explanation as they rely on their sense of sight to take in information and process it into their understanding of what is being said.
Visual learners are mostly attracted to colour and usually have a highlighter close by in order to highlight necessary key words or phrases so that the word or phrase stands out whilst they studying. Stories that are …show more content…
2. Use flash cards
When using flash cards write the term on the one side and on the other side, write the terminology.
Colour code your flash cards according to the sections in your syllabus for that subject.
Draw little pictures that relate to the word or phrase.
When making your key cards make a story out of the words and visualize the story in your mind
My scores for my learning style assessment were as follows:
o Auditory: 40% o Visual: 50% o Tactile: 10%
This shows what I am a visual learner and the description and characteristics mentioned about visual learners have appeared to be true in my life. I always take down notes when the teacher is teaching form the board and mostly when she/ he draws diagrams but, I tend to not convert the notes into mind maps or if I do only use them when I don’t have my notes book. The techniques mentioned above could help me not forget what I have learnt weeks ago and to study effectively. Knowing that I am a visual learner helps me to know exactly how to study and how I can remember, understand and approach a given