can give me the most comprehensive learning experience possible. The diversified climate will help me communicate and indulge in activities of different culture and ethnicity and travel around the globe with ease and knowledge of different countries. Coming from a middle class family it is very essential for the transportation to be less expensive and comfortable. It is another key point which brought me here to apply for the NJIT. The teachings of the brilliant professors of the NJIT and the advanced technology will provide me a great learning experience and expand my intelligence and ideas about this 21st century world. Admission to the NJIT will be one step further towards the path of my dream. The future is controlled by the step taken by an individual in the present. The information provided to me by the teachers, friends, internet and adding me to the list of the students of NJIT will enrich my experience that will help me to grow into well rounded and a successful person.
can give me the most comprehensive learning experience possible. The diversified climate will help me communicate and indulge in activities of different culture and ethnicity and travel around the globe with ease and knowledge of different countries. Coming from a middle class family it is very essential for the transportation to be less expensive and comfortable. It is another key point which brought me here to apply for the NJIT. The teachings of the brilliant professors of the NJIT and the advanced technology will provide me a great learning experience and expand my intelligence and ideas about this 21st century world. Admission to the NJIT will be one step further towards the path of my dream. The future is controlled by the step taken by an individual in the present. The information provided to me by the teachers, friends, internet and adding me to the list of the students of NJIT will enrich my experience that will help me to grow into well rounded and a successful person.