Final assay. People should use their time to be volunteer.
There many people in this world that waste their time in many activities that are unnecessary, such as going out or just having fun anywhere. People don’t think that they can use their time in more us full activities, activities that can help other people. Such as been a volunteer in any church hospital or any organization that can help many people who needed. Why people should be a volunteer? People should be volunteer for many reasons, but the must important are training skills for a job opportunities, also to be humanitarian with people who really needed, one more reason is that many people have fun doing this.
Volunteer works helps, you while helping others. The fact that volunteers are helping themselves while helping others doesn’t really matter in the larger scheme of things regardless of their reasons for getting involved in volunteer work the still providing valuable service to the company. Offering their skills free of charge to those who need them. Also volunteering makes good business sense during all stages of the life cycle because from the student learning a new skill to the senior practicing old skills.
Been a volunteer can help many people in the world. Such as people who are in the hospitals suffering from sicknesses that they no cure also people who are without family and many kids that are suffering from very bad sicknesses for example, cancer
IDS. Many people who have cancer and IDS are the most needed suffer people in the hospital according to the National Cancer Institute cancer and IDS affect the whole family not just the person with the disease. These means that people who have these diseases need a lot love and people around them and you and me as a volunteer can help these people.
Many people also volunteer for a number of different reasons. Ranging from desire to learn new skills, have fun or make a difference. Some are completely devoted to the cause while others simple wish to do their bit where they can. Volunteering abroad is a much more meaningful experience taking you further out you comfort zone and offering far greater rewards.
Give something back is one of the more obvious reason why people volunteer is because they find something the are passionate about and want to do something good for others also people who volunteer un their community have a personal attachment to the area and want to make it a better place for themselves and for others.
Making a friend is another is a great opportunity when you work as a volunteer. People often find lifelong friendships through volunteer work, while meeting people is often an added bonus, many people choose to volunteer primaly to develop friendships with people from different cultures because they learn more languages they also learn the differences between many cultures.
Volunteer work can often lead to a paying job volunteers have the possibility of becoming volunteer coordinators similar to interns volunteers can try out a field to see if it suits them and also shows that they are dedicated enough to work for free in the hopes that it may lead you to a paying job. Example English teachers are a great example of volunteer jobs that often turns in to careers.
According to unite sates department of labor and Bureau of labor statistics the number of people who volunteer work in 2009 it was no enough understanding the majority of people who are in the hospitals and and places that they really need a volunteer work. In 2009 the number of volunteer wok it was like these between the ages sixteen and over it was only thirty percent between twenty and twenty four it was ten percent and between twenty-five and thirty-five it was fifteen percent and between thirty-five and fourthy five thirty six percent. As you see not many young people like to volunteer work the percentages of volunteer work is not enough for many people who needed.
Looking at these statistics how poor are the number in volunteer work is. I think that we need to be more flexible to be a volunteer. Why get involved in volunteer work? Because there many reasons to serve as there are people who serve volunteering is not just and altruistic act its an opportunity to advance in all areas, of you life here are a few of the things you can gain when you give your time and your self. Connect with you community conserve founds for charities nonprofits and faith based and other community organizations by contributing you life time, share you skills and gain new ones developed self –steam and self confidence meet new people from walks of life enhance you resume and make important net working contacts promote a worth while activity feel needed and value and Experience something new, serve you country is also a good in aspect to be volunteer. As you see there many good reasons to be volunteer. You can get all these knowledge that I jus mention when you get involved in volunteer work. Also people get in volunteer work for personal reasons it can be experiences lowliness money problems and maybe feelings. Why personal experiences? Because sometime these people have been in the hospital and sometimes the hospital people don’t teat you as you need to be treated and is no body else to take are of you and you ended alone with no body to help you. And this is when somebody who works as volunteer can help you with many things. Lowliness is a little pushup to be come a volunteer because people who are here without family can find these as passing time with people who may later one can help them as a family. Also in the money problems many hospitals or charities can help people who have been a volunteer because they may not pay them a salary but some times the give them food for free or some times they help the with the metro card and even better you can find places that if you are volunteer they can pay you not that much but they may give you some hours pay of course only if you work as volunteer is value.
Here some testimonials from people who have serve as a volunteer. These testimonials come from the University of Iowa hospitals and clinics. I volunteer as a coddler. Having had a child with a genetic disorder in the 1980s, I was anxious to become involved in helping with infant care once my other children were grown. My own experience taught me how precious those little lives are and volunteering at UI Hospitals and Clinics gives me the opportunity to give something back to the hospital and community that helped me so many years ago. * Michelle L. Wiegand Volunteering is important to me because of the things I can do for others in the office as well as some of the projects I have worked on--Children’s Miracle Network, altering clothes for halo patients, bereavement baby outfits, monkeys, the surgery doll, delivering Norfolk pines at Christmas, flowers and visiting with patients. I enjoy meeting new volunteers, presenting orientations and knowing many wonderful volunteers who have become good friends. I’m hoping that I contribute and help others in their need at UI Hospitals and Clinics. I miss when I am unable to volunteer and wish I could do more. It is like we are a big family helping others. Volunteering is good for the heart while it is good helping other.
How you can come a volunteer? Valunteer steps are easy you just pick a hospital a church or any school, and sing as a volunteer and they will call you in a five business days
Been a volunteer is a good opportunity for many people .For many reason. Reasons that I just mention. That is why incurring people to become a volunteer is not only opportunity for you is also an opportunity to help people and make them happy.
Works Cited
No, No. "Barc Chelter." Www.usg.gov. No, 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2010.
No, No. "Friends of the Wisschickon Volunteers at Work." Www.fow.org. No, No Apr. 2006. Web. 11 Mar. 2010.
No, No. "National Cancer Institute." Www.cancer.org. Healt Cancer Institution, 2006. Web. 18 Mar. 2010.
No, No. "Why Do I Volunteer." Www.ibblio.org. New York Post, No Sept. 2001. Web. 10 Mar. 2010.