
Nebular Hypothesis Vs. Six Day Creation

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Nebular Hypothesis Vs. Six Day Creation
I. Introduction

The topic of my comparative essay will be to compare and contrast the different viewpoint of the nebular hypothesis (old-earth secular view) vs. six day creation (young-earth view) on the topic original creation of the earth. For Christians, the only answer would be that God created the Earth and everything in it in six days. To the old-earth believers they believe the nebular hypothesis came from a cloud of dust and gas.

II. Old-Earth Secular view
The Old-Earth secular view that I chose for my essay is the Nebular Hypothesis. Old-Earth secular is ancient (4.55 billion years), during which time god directly and miraculously created various kinds of organisms with limited evolutionary relationships, humans were new and miraculous
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This is the most accepted explanation of how the planets and stars came about. The Nebular Hypothesis was first developed in the 18th century by Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, and Pierre-Simon Laplace. By the 1840s and 1850s, the nebular hypothesis was being taught in American colleges and embraced by leading biblical scholars as describing God’s method of creating the solar system. Charles Hodge of Princeton Theological Seminary, arguably the most influential American theologian in the middle third of the century, concluded the first verses of Genesis “clearly intimated that the universe, when first created, was in a state of chaos, and that by the life-giving, organizing power of the spirit of God, it was gradually moulded into the wonderful cosmos which we now …show more content…
All of God’s creation was created in a six- rotational day period of time only a few thousands of years ago. Young earth is the longest held view of creation within Christianity and Judaism. With the events and chronologically accepted since old testament times affirmed throughout the new testament, advocated during the early church period, and proclaimed in the reformation. It continues to be strongly supported. The young-earth theory is that God created everything in this Earth Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. We as Christians believe in the young-earth theory because we believe in God and what is written in the bible. The young earth is the historic position of Christianity. Though differences of opinion exist for various doctrinal issues within Christianity, few are more divisive than controversies surrounding the days of creation and the age of the Earth. For Christians who hold the young-earth view, being true to God’s word necessitates believing the universe, Earth, and life were all created in six 24-hour days, six to ten thousand years ago. One difficulty with this view is most young-earth creationists interpret the Genesis creation account through the lens of the modern English Bible. While English translations can make it sound as though the creation days were 24-hour periods, textual and grammatical elements of the original Hebrew narrative suggest otherwise.

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