In this article showed there are many physical side effects of oversleeping such as diabetes, obesity, depression and heart disease. Actually there are many type of disease we can get from oversleeping but this 4 disease linked above is a common disease that people can get from oversleeping habit and also seems harm to people.
First side effect shown at article of oversleeping is diabetes. Researchers studied the sleeping patterns of 276 people over a six-year period. Among them, 20 percent that slept under people who slept under seven or over eight hours found that it will develop type2 Diabetes more than twice as high for people who sleep too much compared to only 7 percent of subjects that had average sleeping patterns. Another effect is Obesity. People who sleep longer than eight hours increased their risk of being obese .Sleeping too much or too little could make you weigh too much, as well. One recent study showed that people who slept for nine or 10 hours every night were 21% more likely to become obese over a six-year period. This association between sleep and obesity remained the same even when food intake and exercise were taken.
Then, from oversleeping too can cause depression, it stated when 15% of people suffering from depression tend to oversleep. It may in turn, make depression more worse. Researchers at the The University of Tübingen in Germany published a paper on the "Therapeutic Use of Sleep Deprivation in Depression." They found that depriving people of sleep for one night improves depressive symptoms in 40 to 60 percent of treatments. In certain instances, sleep deprivation can have a temporary antidepressant effect. Then, the last one is Heart disease, popular disease among others, stated that women who slept nine to eleven hours per night were 38% more likely have coronary heart disease then women who slept eight hours.
As a conclusion oversleeping is not a good thing to make as a routine in our life. There are too many effect of oversleeping besides what have been stated above such as headaches, lead to back pain, had early signs of Alzheimer’s and premature death. Because of that we have to change it before it become worst. If we have an average more than seven to eight hours sleep, we have to change the habits or maybe we need to see a doctor for checkup because sometimes it might be anything, because doctor can check why we have oversleeping, then, we have to set in our mind same bed times and wake times every day and do exercise regularly.