English 3
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor was a part of the higher society, but she had many trials in her life. Her parents died when she was only at the young age of 11 and her husband cheated on her. Through the tough times she held her head up high and didn’t let the opinions of others affect her in any way. This quote is about how you carry yourself and your self-esteem. My way of interpreting this quote is feelings are indicators not dictators. So you can take what someone says about you and just dismiss it and realize that sometimes people tear you down to build themselves up. Or you can take it to heart and let the words of someone that is imperfect and also has faults to tear you apart. I learned the hard way that the opinions and the hurtful words of others are to be not taken to heart and that I shouldn’t let it affect how I look at myself or my self-esteem. I myself have said hurtful things to people that I wish that I could take back but I can’t. Most of those people who I have said hurtful things were extremely mature about the situation and forgave. We say thing in the heat of the moment and we are so quick to speak that sometimes the words come out so fast that you don’t have time to take a breath. So the words and actions that people say or do to hurt you shouldn’t determine how you act or how you handle the situation. You have to love people for where they are at. If you react to the situation and blow up they got the satisfaction that they got under your skin and that what they said in fact bothered you. I have also been on the receiving end of the harsh words. It’s easy to take the words to heart and hold those words against people. I have been given grace in the past and now that is what I do now to this day. Don’t let the immaturity of others determine or dictate how you feel or think about yourself.