Department of Mathematics
Major 17. Instrumentation in Mathematics
Themes from Observation Framework Analysis
1. There is a High Degree of Student Engagement
a) Students are engaged in their learning
b) Students engage in a challenging curriculum
c) Students engage in meaningful learning experiences
2. The Teacher Designs and Delivers Effective Instruction
a) Teacher selects concepts that maximize student learning
b) Teacher creates opportunities for high levels of cognition
c) Teachers help students identify that they are learning something of value
3. The Teacher Effectively Uses Assessment for Student Learning
a) Teacher checks for understanding
b) Rubrics are aligned with grade level expectations
c) Teacher provides regular feedback during lesson
4. The Teacher Uses a Positive Behavior Management Approach
a) Students are practicing self-management skills
b) Students are engaged throughout the lesson
5. The Teacher Demonstrates Knowledge of Students
a) Teachers create opportunities for challenging and engaging learning
6. The Teacher Selects and Communicates Clear Instructional Goals
a) Content objectives are written clearly for the students
b) Teacher makes learning goals clear to students
c) Teacher selects concepts that maximize student learning
7. There are Clear Classroom Procedures
a) Students participate in a positive, safe and supportive learning environment
b) Teacher creates and maintains effective learning environment
8. The Teacher Demonstrates Content Knowledge
a) Teacher selects/creates appropriate learning objectives
b) Teacher remains current in subject area
c) Teacher aligns instruction with plan and communicates accurate content
9. The Teacher Uses High Quality Questioning/Discussion Techniques
a) Teacher uses divergent questioning technique
b) Teacher uses questions along Bloom’s Taxonomy
c) Teacher uses questioning that leads to higher order thinking skills
10. The Teacher