Abstract: Protists are known to be the very first eukaryotic organisms on earth. The Kingdom Protista was first classified by Haeckel in the year 1866. Now, there are many known species of protists. After learning about protists in class, the group decided to observe the different species of protists found in pond water. The group prepared a preparation to be able to culture the protists until it was time to view them. After a few days, the group got a few drops of water from the preparation and observed it under the microscope. The experiment was a success because the group got to see the structure of the protists. They also saw the protists moving and feeding. The group saw some protists, mostly Paramecium caudatum and Balantidium coli. The group also saw a Paramecium that was stuck in the moss under the HPO. After viewing the protists, the group used alcohol to kill all the protists so that they would not be infected by them. They also saw firsthand what alcohol does to them. The group had fun because they got to see the Paramecium and Balantidium coli moving around really fast. Because of this experiment, the group learned the right way on how to culture protists. They also learned that you have to be careful while culturing the protists because they are smaller than the pores of the skin and can infect you. They concluded that protists can only grow in a certain environment, if they are cultured properly. If something goes wrong while they are being cultured, they will die and you won’t be able to see them move around.
Historically, protists were treated as the kingdom Protista. The term protista was first used by Ernest Haeckel in 1866. The first division of the protists from other organisms came in the 1830s, when the German biologist Georg August Goldfuss introduced the word protozoa to refer to organisms such as ciliates and corals. This group was expanded in 1845 to include