It’s to avoid conflict and to maintain the integrity of interactions. Impaired practitioner is the seventh and it is to keep the individuals from harm. It is to make sure the health professional is able to do their job properly. The eighth one is sexual relationship and it’s to make sure that there is nothing-sexual going in professional interaction. Payment for service and other financial arrangement is the ninth professional behavior. Occupational therapy should not make promises or guarantee services. The last one is resolving ethical issues. The health professional is suppose to use what is available to them and resolve conflicts or ethical …show more content…
These include health concerns, need, and responsibility to the public. In the last provision, it talks about how nurses are responsible for their values, shaping the policy party, and maintaining the integrity and practice. These include the assertion of values, intraprofessional integrity, social reform, and to carry out the responsibility. Most of the code of ethics for nursing and occupational therapy are very similar. They are both in the medical field and they formed these codes for what is expected from that field. These careers want what is best for the patient and safety for health field. They want the respect, responsibility, honesty, privacy, and to expand your knowledge in that profession. Both of the careers want the same thing in their field, but there are a few differences.
The first difference is that occupational therapy serves two purposes, while nursing serves 3 purposes. Another difference that they have is that occupational therapy has a lot more expectations than the nurses do. Occupational therapy has a lot of values and principles that are required to be in that profession. Nurses have some of those values but not as much as occupational therapy. These are the difference that both careers have, but in the end they want to do what is best for everybody to be