Schurz stressed the fact that “…the rapid return to power and influence of so many of those who but recently were engaged in a bitter was against the Union has had one effect which was certainly not originally contemplated.
First, treason, does under circumstances not appear odious in the south, the people are not impressed with any sense of its criminality. Second, there is an utter absence of national feeling(page2)” Southern people felt the government owed them compensation for the emancipated slaves and for all the destruction during the war. Another concern was the finial removal of the remaining Union armies and regaining political standing so they could attempt to regain the political standing they insinuated was wrongfully taken.
Undoubtedly the most predominate issue was the introduction of ex-slaves as free men into southern society. The free labor ideals purposed issue for the southern men claiming, "You cannot make the negro work without physical compulsion." The planters themselves have vindictive feelings towards the colored race that had now been freed. Leading to the beating and murdering of many black men and women on grounds of hurt feelings for the governments wrong doing by freeing “property” belonging to the south. A common viewpoint was that the black man was bred only to serve the white man by means of raising cotton and growing sugar and rice. That it is illegitimate for a “Negro” to indulge, like other people in the pursuit of his own happiness. “It can be admitted that he ceases to be property but it is not admitted that he can be his own master(page4)” Finding a way to get racial acceptance and equality will prove to be a challenge all its own, the south has many obstacles ahead as well as the United States.