To determine the duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Assistant at The Cable Department.
The objectives of this project are:
To investigate the duties and responsibilities of the administrative assistant
To determine the importance of the Administrative Assistant to the organization.
Functions of the Cable Department
At The Cable Department, the functions of an Administrative Assistant areto make and cancel appointments on behalf of an executive and to greet the customer or potential business person in the most polite way.
Abbott Village,
West Farm,
St Kitts.
17 October, 2012
Ms Judith Hewlet
The Administrative Assistant,
The Cable Department,
Church Street,
Dear Ms Hewlet,
I am a fifth form student of the Verchilds High school. In an effort to complete my School Based Assessment, I am writing this letter seeking permission to conduct an interview with you and also to do some observations of the Administrative Assistant.
I would like to find out the duties of the secretary and how his or her work benefits the business.
I hope that you would grant me permission to have this interview. I would be extremely grateful as this would make it easier for me to complete my Office Administration School Based Assessment Project. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Tashaun Greene
The instrument that the researcher used to gather the informationwas an interview. The researcher interviewed the Administrative Assistant on the 21st of October,2013 and recorded responses during the discussion. This instrument is used by asking an Ms.Hewlet in that specific business place questions whether face to face or over the telephonewhich is relevant to the business to
Bibliography: Publication List S Finisterre, L Payne & J Reid (2004) Longman Office Administration for CXC