The Natural Evolution is when people believe that God didn’t create the universe at all and that it all happened through a big bang. They strongly believe in evolution with no help from God at all. It was all created naturally. This is the origin that I am most in opposition with. Another belief is Young Earth Creation which is the belief that the world was created by God in a short 6 days but, that doesn’t really work with science at all. They put Gods work before everything else and that could have worked because they need to bring in the influence of science and faith. At the same time, you can’t hang the life and death of Jesus Christ on how old the earth is. Moving on, Intelligent Design is the belief that there is science that proves the existence of a creator. They look to science for explanations on everything, I believe that they need to have some of the Bible into it. They don’t really say about God being the creator so I can’t go along with this assumption of how everything was created. Finally, looking more closely at scripture is where people could work because it involves a lot of looking at the Bible. But then again, they need to look more into science because they can’t completely rule out the evidence of science. Other people have their own way of believing in science and faith but these ones are the main
The Natural Evolution is when people believe that God didn’t create the universe at all and that it all happened through a big bang. They strongly believe in evolution with no help from God at all. It was all created naturally. This is the origin that I am most in opposition with. Another belief is Young Earth Creation which is the belief that the world was created by God in a short 6 days but, that doesn’t really work with science at all. They put Gods work before everything else and that could have worked because they need to bring in the influence of science and faith. At the same time, you can’t hang the life and death of Jesus Christ on how old the earth is. Moving on, Intelligent Design is the belief that there is science that proves the existence of a creator. They look to science for explanations on everything, I believe that they need to have some of the Bible into it. They don’t really say about God being the creator so I can’t go along with this assumption of how everything was created. Finally, looking more closely at scripture is where people could work because it involves a lot of looking at the Bible. But then again, they need to look more into science because they can’t completely rule out the evidence of science. Other people have their own way of believing in science and faith but these ones are the main