In recent times, the necessity of executing things faster is increasing rapidly in our daily activities. Technology plays a vital role in day-to-day activities. And this in turn made great changes in many work fields and out of them recruitment process is one that changed a lot in terms of its systematic approach.
The computer based recruitment system is to replace manual operations of recruitment of companies. As recruitment is a round the year activity involving thousands of applicants a need has been felt to automate the entire operations. Applications are collected in a prescribed format and checked for eligibility. All eligible candidates are sent messages for the selection test.
The test results are compiled and presented to management to decide the cut-offs for interviews. Based on selection criteria decided by management, interview letters are generated.
Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs within an organization, either permanent or temporary. Recruitment can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid positions, such as voluntary roles or training programmes.
Companies and recruitment agents have moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by which candidates can be matched with live vacancies. Using database technologies, and online job advertising boards and search engines, employers can now fill vacant pots in a fraction of the time previously possible.
In the existing system all the activities are done manually. For recruiting thousands of candidates, the physical system have the following steps.
Calling for the applicants.
Selecting the applicants.
Generating Admit Card
Conducting examination.
Compiling results.
Selecting candidates for interview.
Generating Interview letters.
Preparing details for interview board.
The drawbacks of the manual