HU Ruonan, Student number: 610035877
Candidate number: 021596, Tutorial Group: T1/02
Part 1: Diagrammatic Flow Chart
Description of activity
1. Going to first meeting at Forum
2. Waiting for group members
3. Talking about the requirement about the presentation
4. Making a rough plan to research deeply by individual
5. Continue communicating via facebook
6. Going to the second meeting
7. Waiting for group members
8. Discussing about the key idea about sustainable supply chain
9. Determine each member’s work
10. Continue communicating and check works via facebook
11. Going to the third meeting
12. Determine the contents for each part
13. Working for ppt contents and determine the presenters via facebook
14. Going to the forth meeting
15. Waiting for group members
16. Upgrade the ppt contents
17. Practicing the presentation
18. Preparing the questions of presentation
19. Review the whole present
20. Going to present
Totals 10 5 3 2 0
As we can seen from the above flow chart, what our group could improve is to reduce the waiting time between two meetings and at the beginning of each meeting. To overcome it, our group could conduct more works on internet which can be founded nearly no waste time.
Part 2: Personal learning experience
2.1 Peer feedback
Everyone in our group had contributed much to the final outcome. And each member was on behalf of different responsibilities of the group work. Loan Tran, like a group leader, always offer a rough proposal which tight up with our final objective, furthermore, she was responsible for presentation very professional. However, she was trying to insist on her own idea sometimes that means she disregard few ideas from others. Pridsadang Posanakul as another presenter, made more effort than other group members because he also finished his own part for case study very well. For Ngan Dang and Mazlan Nur, they also did well about their