There are some criticisms of studies such as these however, such as that stress and illness is not a ‘simple relationship’. Lazarus (1992) suggests several reasons why. Such as because health is affected by many different factors including lifestyle and genetic influences, resulting in little variance left that can be accounted for by stress. Also because health in generally fairly stable and as a result, it makes it difficult to demonstrate that exposure to particular stressors have caused a change in health. Another criticism of this research is that other studies have found that acute stressors can enhance the immune system, such as Evans et al. (1994) who found that stressors caused an increase in slgA in students. SlgA helps protect against infection. However most studies investigating the relationship between stress and the immune system have found a decrease in immune system functioning, studies such as Arnetz et al. Who found a decrease in
There are some criticisms of studies such as these however, such as that stress and illness is not a ‘simple relationship’. Lazarus (1992) suggests several reasons why. Such as because health is affected by many different factors including lifestyle and genetic influences, resulting in little variance left that can be accounted for by stress. Also because health in generally fairly stable and as a result, it makes it difficult to demonstrate that exposure to particular stressors have caused a change in health. Another criticism of this research is that other studies have found that acute stressors can enhance the immune system, such as Evans et al. (1994) who found that stressors caused an increase in slgA in students. SlgA helps protect against infection. However most studies investigating the relationship between stress and the immune system have found a decrease in immune system functioning, studies such as Arnetz et al. Who found a decrease in