The factors bellow including environmental and personal factors, may influence the interaction and communication in a health and social care setting.
Language difference and cultural interpretations.
For language differences the best way to communicate would be by using communication skill such as; objects, signs and symbols or braille, sign language etc.
Cultural interpretations, the best way to communicate would be to use communication skills such as; interpreters, dictionaries, pictures, and translators. For these communications skills to work you have to know the details of the person you are communicating for. For example you have to know details such as; name, culture, language etc. this would help a person who needed to communicate with someone but had difficulty to, because they speak a different language.
The environment
The lighting, noise, time, seating and the ability to see or hear others have ways of making certain issues for people in the health and social care setting. However these issues can be overcome.
The lighting can be adjusted if needed, the lighting is important because poor lighting can affect our ability to notice non-verbal communication such as trying to communicate through lip reading. This can be controlled by replacing poor lighting with brighter, clearer lighting.
The noise can affect people in a health and social care setting, but this can be controlled. It’s controlled by sound-proofing rooms, reducing background noise or creating quiet areas away from noisy activity.
The ability to see or hear others is important in a health and social care setting. Making sure they can be seen clearly by the person they are communicating with facing both the light and the person at the same time, making sure their mouth is visible when speaking minimising background noise using eyes, facial expressions and gestures