Pancasila and citizenship education has an important role in the realization of SDG's points without poverty is
1. As a legal basis for poverty reduction
In Pancasila and civic education are laws that can be used as a legal basis for regulating the writing of poverty, especially in poverty reduction.
2. As a basis for making efforts to overcome poverty
Pancasila and civic education can be used as basis in making efforts to overcome poverty because in Pancasila and civic education also discuss the legislation that the efforts made to overcome poverty have no basis in the making that these efforts focused and have indicators of achievement and these …show more content…
Government efforts and attempts Students as Agents of Change in the embodiment of SDG's points without Poverty
The government has several efforts in the embodiment of SDG's points without poverty. These efforts are in the form of the government's strategies for reducing poverty. These strategies include (Iryanti, 2014):
1. Reduce the expenditure burden of the poor.
Reducing the burden of the poor people's expenditure is done by providing assistance to the poor so that the poor can reduce the burden of their spending
2. Improving the ability and the income of the poor.
At enhancing the capabilities and incomes of the poor can be done by way of business training services to the poor so that they can open their own jobs
3. Develop and ensure the success of small micro-enterprises.
Development and guarantee the success of small micro enterprises is needed because of poor peoples can only open small micro enterprises. Thus, small micro-enterprises should be developed and the guaranteed success with the government's efforts to lend funds to open and develop small micro enterprises.
4. Forming synergies poverty reduction policies and …show more content…
Develop social protection.
The development of social protection is more on the provision of social security as a family prosperity program, Indonesia smart program, Healthy Indonesia program. Subsidized rice. This assistance focuses on family-based social assistance.
8. Individual Capability.
Individual capabilities are done by way of the fulfillment of the ten basic rights of citizens. If the ten rights of citizens are met, then prosperity will increase and poverty will decline.
9. Transaction Costs.
Transaction costs arising include infrastructure costs for development, the environment, technology, and regulation.
10. Aggregate demand.
Aggregate demand in the form of monetary policy, pro-poor budget, redistribution of the means of production, and trade policies.
In addition to government efforts, the efforts of the students as agents of change are also needed. Efforts can be made by students, among others, support the government's policy on poverty reduction, the students participate in assisting the implementation of poverty reduction policies, and help the government to disseminate government policies on poverty reduction for poor