It was a bleak Friday morning in the summer when I realized how important a pathologist is for the diagnosing a disease. As a medical student, I was rotating in paediatrics department and a child presented with presumed diagnosis of leukaemia. Her blood and bone marrow sample was sent for lab workup. I noticed her parents were eagerly waiting for the lab results to know the exact diagnosis. She was diagnosed with leukaemia based on those results. Dealing with this patient, I (acknowledged) realized the importance of a pathologist in final accurate diagnosis.
During my pathology rotations, when my professor …show more content…
I am interested in pathology as I always enjoyed the diagnostic aspect of the diseases and making the final diagnosis. This field of medicine has enormous research potential and numerous subspecialties options. A residency in pathology will expand my clinical knowledge and diagnostic skills. That knowledge, combined with my personal strengths of being a quick learner, dedicated and hard worker, will enable me to become a good pathologist. As a pathologist, I will be able to identify the cause, pathology, and clinical significance of the disease. I will be committed to provide a reliable and responsive diagnosis to the doctors for providing best possible care to the patients, and anticipate a life-long experience of challenging diagnosis. I would be honored to join your program, and hopefully, you will favorably consider me. Thank