Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Siniloan, Laguna
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education
Major in Animal Science
MARCH 2011
Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Siniloan (Host) Campus
Siniloan, Laguna
VISION: “A premier university in CALABARZON offering academic programs and related services designed to respond to the requirements of the Philippines and the global economy particularly Asian countries”.
MISSION: “The University shall serve as a center of excellence in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, science, engineering and industrial technologies, and teacher education. Information technology, and other related fields in arts and sciences. It shall also serve as research and extension center in its fields of expertise”.
GOALS: “The College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology is committed to produce high quality general manpower equipped with necessary skills, right knowledge and attitudes in the various fields of agricultural education and business management and to train trainors in its area of distinctive competence to effectively respond to the increasing demands, challenges and opportunities for global competitiveness”.
OBJECTIVES: “The Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Program aims to produce highly qualified and competitive teachers equipped with new trends and innovations in the Agricultural Education Program; it also aims to provide students an in-depth analysis and thorough knowledge in their major field of specialization”.
1. Prepare students for careers in teaching, supervision in schools and colleges, agricultural extension, agricultural-related business firms and industries, trade and professional association, government and private research firms, government services as well as for further studies for advanced degrees;
2. Plan and conduct a program and career exploration and guidance and provide hands on learning experiences in technical agriculture including animal science, crop science, agricultural and natural resources, agricultural economics and agricultural mechanics;
3. To extend learning experiences for students beyond the classroom through outreach programs and supervised participation in the community agricultural activities;
4. Develop students analytical and critical thinking skills in conducting research in education and agriculture;
5. Provide effective and relevant instruction, trainings, seminars and practical activities for well-rounded development of personality;
6. Prepare students to become successful professionals and teachers with management capability, leadership job entry and social and ethical responsibility.
Name : John Paul Alma Mallari
Date of Birth : January 21, 1992
Place of Birth : Espania, Manila
Address : Brgy. Paagahan Mabitac, Laguna
Civil Status : Single
Father : Patricio Mallari Mother : Aurea Mallari
Educational Attainment Intermediate : Paagahan Elementary School Mabitac, Laguna Secondary : Paagahan National High School Mabitac, Laguna Tertiary : Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Laguna Course : Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education Major : Animal Science
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Statement of the Problem 2 Objectives of the Study 3 Significance of the Study 4 Scope of the Study 5 Limitation of the Study 6 Conceptual Framework of the Study 6 Definition of terms 7
II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 9 III METHODOLOGY 11 Research Design 11 The Subject and Sampling Design 11 Research Instrument 11 Data Gathering Procedure 12 Statistical Treatment 12 IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 13 V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 14
MALLARI, JOHN PAUL ALMA. Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna. March 2012. “Performance of Education Graduates of Laguna State Polytechnic University in Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) A.Y 2006-2009”.
Teachers have vital role in nation building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry, that’s why Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) was exercised over the teaching profession. I am satisfied that the teaching profession is one of the oldest of all learned profession known in civilization. The important role played by the teacher is the bulwark of democracy and shares the great task of education. Under the spirit of our constitution and in accordance with the existing laws, all teachers, whether in public or private schools, colleges and universities, are representatives of the state, charged with the duties of carrying out our fundamental purpose in education as enunciated and defined by the constitution. The Examination that was mentioned above measures not only the strengths and knowledge of a teacher but also how they really love, accept and dedicated to the vocation they have chosen. On August 1996, the Board and the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) administered the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) for the first time to 97,560 examinees. Today, it becomes an annual examination for teachers’ circle. Every year, there are a vast number of examinees in Licensure Examination for Teachers, as the record by the PRC. Further, Republic Act No. 7836 otherwise known as “An act to strengthen the Regulation and Supervision of the Practice of Teaching in the Philippines and Prescribing a Licensure Examination for Teachers and other Purpose”. This act shall be known as the “Philippines Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” launched by the government. The state recognizes the vital role of teachers in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry. Towards this end, the state shall ensure and promote quality education by proper supervision and regulation of the licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching profession. The promotion, development and professionalization of teachers and the teaching profession and the teaching supervision and regulation of the licensure examination are the main objectives of this act. But do we really know how vital is the LET to the teachers and to the quality of education that we have here in our country? Do we know how big is the hardship they invest, the tiring days and nights of reading and reviewing just to pass the said examination? And one of the questions that bear in my mind is how they feel if they fail to pass the examination? In order to be a licensed teacher, one needs to pass the board exam for teachers or the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). For test-takers, the mere idea of taking a comprehensive examination is enough to make one shiver and sweat. All the more if the exam lasts an entire day! The purpose of this study is to determine and provide facts regarding the performance of education graduates of LSPU in LET. This study hope to fill-in the gap in understanding of being a licensed teacher and help them plan for their chosen career as well as developing their capabilities to the fullest.
Statement of the problem
The main purpose of the study is to find out the Performance of Education Graduates of Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Campus in Licensure Examination for Teachers A.Y 2006-2009 To achieve the purpose, the following questions will be answer:
1. What is the profile of the Graduate-Respondents?
2. What is the performance of Education Graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers in terms of percentage?
3. What are the problems encountered and the solution applied by the Graduate-Respondents?
4. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile and performance of Education Graduates in Licensure Examination for Teachers?
Objectives of the study
The main objective of the study is to determine the Performance of Education Graduates of the Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Campus in Licensure Examination for Teachers A.Y 2006-2009 Furthermore, the specific objectives of the study are the following:
1. To describe the demographic profile of the graduate-respondents.
2. To determine the performance of education-graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers in terms of percentage.
3. To identify the problems encountered and the solutions applied by the graduate-respondents.
4. To test relationship between the demographic profile and performance of graduate-respondents in Licensure Examination for Teachers.
Significance of the Study
The findings of the study will be of great help to the following;
Graduates: The graduates may be motivated by the findings of this study to strive harder and be more confident knowing that their performance is the true measure of their work.
Parents: The parent who views the university and their children through the result of their examination may use this study to confirm their belief that the grades of their children are true measures of their academic performance.
Teachers: Since the grades definitely play a vital role in the present system of education and since the measurement of academic achievement is one of the basic objectives of grading, the value and significance of this research becomes an evident. The validity of the present grading system as an instrument of assessing learning will be put into test, and the reliability of teachers’ grade given to students will be placed into scrutiny.
Educational Researchers: To the educational researchers, the results of this investigation may open new aspects of inquiry related to the many faceted factors that influence academic test/testing, measurement and evaluation.
School Administrators: The school administrators may use the results of this study as basis for assessing the performance of its students as well as gauging the effectiveness of their teachers, teaching methods, strategies, curricula and instructional program. The findings of this study may serve as guidelines in determining the strength and weaknesses of the grading system as a valid test to academic achievement, thus may lead to the development of a more powerful evaluative tool.
Curriculum Planners: This study will enable the curriculum planners to identify curriculum deficiencies and make them more flexible and adaptable to schools and students.
Department of Education: The Department of Education may use the results of this study in formulating school programs and curriculums.
This study, therefore, will greatly contribute to the assessment of the present grading system of the Department of Education as an evaluative tool and the students score as a measure of academic achievement in the licensure examination within the scope and limitations of this study.
Professional Regulation Commission: The result of this study may help the Professional Regulation Commission to deliberately, scientifically and consistently control the issuance of professional license to individuals in accordance with the value consensus and the knowledge-base of the profession. To help them regulate in order to create conditions which can make more widespread and binding the professional ideals and standards in the actual and normal behavior of individuals and institutions that educate and prepare professionals; those who aspire to become professionals; those who practice as professionals and; those who utilize the services of the professionals.
Scope of the Study
The study will be conducted at LSPU Siniloan, Laguna from ____ to ___ 20__. In accordance with the objectives of this study, this research work will describe the demographic profile and performance of education graduates in Licensure Examination for Teachers. The respondents will include those education graduates such as Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education, Bachelor in Secondary Education, and Bachelor in Elementary Education.
Limitation of the Study
This study will conduct following certain methodological procedure. However, different constraints that cannot be avoided during the conduct of the study will be encountered. Some of the limiting factors that may affect the results of the study are:
1. Some questions will not be answer by the respondents.
2. Some respondents may difficult to find.
3. Not all graduates took LET.
Conceptual Framework of the Study
The conceptual model shown in Figure 1 consists of two boxes. Those two boxes contain the independent and dependent variables. The first box contains the independent variables which are the age, gender, family monthly income, size of the family, sibling position, parent’s occupation and educational attainment of parents.
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Independent and Dependent Variables on Performance of Education Graduates of LSPU in LET
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of clarity and understanding, some terms were defined of how these terms will be used in this study. Age refers to the length of time that somebody has existed usually expressed in years; how old is somebody.
Examination refers to the detailed inspection or analysis of a student; the act or result of close inspection or thorough evaluation.
Family Monthly Income refers to the amount of money received over a period of time.
Final Score refers to the final scores reflected in the report letter given by the PRC. Final scores were obtained by getting the average of the scores in different area of specialization.
Gender refers to the respondents’ sex (male or female).
Graduate Respondents refers to the education graduates at different academic years in Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Campus (BSAgEd, BSEd, BEed ).
Licensure refers to the granting of a license, which gives a permission to practice.
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) is an examination for a teacher that was given annually by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to qualify them to teach.
Mean is the measure of central tendency usually referred to as arithmetic average. It is obtained by getting the sum of all scores and then dividing the sum by the number of cases.
Parents Educational Attainment refers to the level of education that the parents have achieved whether it is elementary, high school or college. Parents Occupation refers to the job by which somebody earns a living.
Performance refers to the achievement of the education graduates of LSPU Siniloan, Campus in the Licensure Examination for Teachers
.Professional refers to the member of a vocation founded upon specialized educational training; a person who has obtained a degree in a professional field.
Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) refers to the board who prepares the contents of Licensure Examination.
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is a three-man commission attached to the office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Its mandate is to regulate and supervise the practice of the professionals who constitute the highly skilled manpower of the country.
Sibling position refers to the order of birth like eldest, middle child or younger. Size of the Family refers to the actual number of person living in one house.
Teacher refers to the person who provides schooling for others.
This chapter discusses the theory, current and foreign literature relevant to the study.
Licensing serves as a gateway to profession. Teacher licensure is under the authority of individual states. The goal of initial teacher licensure is to ensure that all students have competent teachers. States require candidates to fulfill education and supervised teaching requirements, pass required test, provide evidence of good character, and meet other licensure requirements. Furthermore, states use many different licensure tests in different ways. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10090&page=34
Reaundebush (1992) recognized that to learn whether or how licensure tests might promote teacher quality, we should believe that it is important to distinguish teacher quality from teaching quality. States and local districts play an important role in promoting teaching quality. If schools are not well organized and supportive, it is possible that even good teachers will not be successful.
Johnson (1990) cited that successful teaching depends on many factors, including the level of instructional resources available, staffing levels, continuing professional development, and support from administrators and parents.
U.S., Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1971) defined licensure as the process by which an agency of government grants permissions to persons to engage in a given profession, or occupation by certifying that those licensed have attained the minimal degree of competency necessary to ensure that the public will be reasonably protected.
The Department also stated that licensure is a state function. Many professions use licensing systems to select individuals into their fields and to prevent those considered incompetent from practicing.
Darling (1999) pointed out that tests often play an important role in licensure systems and in what candidates study and learn to prepare for licensure and practice.
Hammond (1999) stated that licensing tests are designed to provide the public with a dependable mechanism for identifying practitioners who have met particular standards.
Licensure tests are only one factor that influences the overall quality of teachers and teaching. Changes in the quality and effectiveness of teachers depend on many things. Salaries and working conditions affect who enters teachings, as do schooling conditions. The belief that testing can improve the quality of the teaching force is based on an assumption that the tests used are good measures of the competencies needed for effective teaching and that their salutary effects on training and selection are not outweighed by negative consequences for supply. However, there are questions about the extent to which different tests capture the way this knowledge is actually used in teaching. There is a paucity of evidence concerning the ability of teacher licensure tests to distinguish minimally competent candidates from those who are not. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10090&page=34
Stoker and Impara (1995) assumes that in the absence of a licensure tests the hiring practices of schools districts would lead to a teacher work force with a higher proportion of “unqualified” teachers.
Schmitt (2000) revealed that licensure testing increases the costs of entering an occupation. Licensure tests require payment of testing fees, allocation of time and effort to prepare for the tests, and, given a nontrivial failure rate, create uncertainty about obtaining employment in teaching. Moreover, the cost of failure is increased by specialized coursework required for licensure in teaching. To the extent that these education courses have a lower market payoff outside teaching than would alternative courses an individual might have competed had the teaching occupation not been chosen, an opportunity cost is incurred. Individuals who fail licensure tests, and thus do not get teaching jobs, will receive lower wages in alternative jobs compared to the wages they would have received had they taken courses in pursuit of alternative occupations.
This chapter presents the method of research to be used, the subjects of the study, operational procedure, and the description of research instruments, data collection and treatment of data.
Research Design The descriptive method of research will be employed in this study. Respondents’ profiles will be gathered through questionnaire checklist that the researcher made approved by the panel of examiners. Final scores of the respondents in Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) will be based from the report letter given by the Professional Regulation Commission including their final score obtained in LET. In the computation of final grades they obtained, the mean, standard deviation, mode, median, skewness, and kurtosis will be used in order to analyze and interpret the scores of the practitioners.
The subject and Sampling Design The respondents will be chosen from the graduates of education courses of the Laguna State Polytechnic University from the year 2006-2009 using stratified sampling.
Research Instruments The study will be used two sources of data. First will be the report letter given by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) which is the source of the scores obtained by the respondents. Secondly, will be a questionnaire that the researcher will be formulated. This questionnaire will be the source of information regarding the age, gender, family income and the size of the family.
Data Gathering Procedure The research instrument that will be used by the researcher is the questionnaire that will focus on the demographic profile of the Graduate-Respondents and their performance in the Licensure Examination for Teachers which is relevant to this study. The researcher will distribute the questionnaire to the respondent for the collection of data.
Statistical Treatment of Data Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the respondents’ final scores obtained after taking the examination. Inferential statistics will be used to interpret the relationship between or among the variables that will be used in this study. To answer the research problem, the following statistical tools will be used for each type of analysis.
Analysis Statistical tools
1. Profile of the students in terms 1. Frequency, mean, percentage and of age, gender, family standard deviation income, occupation of parents, educational attainment of parents, sibling position and size of the family
2. Final scores obtained in LET 2. Frequency, mean, percentage, standard deviation, kurtosis, mode, skewness
3. Significance of difference in the 3. One way ANOVA performance in LET in terms of student profile
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