Keeping your personal development record should help you to:
identify the experience, skills and knowledge that you have already acquired and indeed your strengths and the areas in which you need to develop;
identify and use learning opportunities within your area and externally;
set goals/targets for future learning and development, and
take responsibility for your own learning and identify how you can achieve your goals.
Learning experiences may include:
Courses leading to qualifications
Internal short courses (STDU)
Report writing and presentation
Team briefings
Serving on a new committee
Using new computer software/machinery
Using a new system
Research a new topic
In fact anything that provides you with new knowledge, skills or attitudes.
It is important that when you record your learning activities you also indicate what you actually learned and how you will use that new knowledge.
Development Record
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Key dates
What did I do?
What did I learn from this?
How have/will I use this?
Any further action
Development Plan
What are my future development objectives over a short-term and long-term period? How will I achieve these? What sort of informal learning and formal learning activities will help? (e.g. training course, sabbatical, mentoring, new committees etc.)
Short Term Development (Covering the period from: …………………….. to: …………………….. )
What do I want/need to learn?
What will I do to achieve this?
What resources or support will I need?
Long Term Development (Covering the period from: …………………….. to: …………………….. )
What do I want/need to learn?
What will I do to achieve this?
What resources or support will I need?