The duties and responsibilities of my own role include treating others with respect, the effective communication between both service users and my colleagues, and, the safety and comfort of service users.
I am also involved in practical tasks by working alongside clients, to help them achieve the outcomes in their own support plans. I provide clients with a 'helping hand' by assisting them with basic tasks to enable them to aquire, develop and maintain basic life skills. I also help other workers by observing and reporting any concerns to my line manager. I do not impose my own views upon clients as I hold a non-judgemental attitude in my approach to work and I am always aware of and actively listen to any concerns and/or issues that clients have.
Standards that influence the way my role is carried out include following organisational policies, for example, Code of Conduct, Professional Boundries, Confidentiality Policies, Regulations, Minimum Standards, National Occupational Standards and all legal requirements.
Sources of support that may be available to me in my work environment may include informal support from work colleagues, formal support from courses attended, and, supervisors and/or managers, supervision from managers, organisational policies, support from outside resources such as County Council documents, Diploma Assessors and internet.
In order to draw up a personal development plan I would amongst other activities, agree objectives for development, propose activities needed to meet the objectives, and agree timescales needed to review and meet the objectives proposed for the plan. Those involved in the plan should involve the individual, carers, advocates, supervisor/manager/employer, and, other professionals necessary.
Reflecting on your own work