Indicate how much you agree with each statement -Level of Agreement (1= low, 5= high)
Personal self-assessment 1 2 3 4 5
I sense when my energy is low , and take a break to recharge
I pay attention to the physical signs of an emotional response
I admit mistakes and apologize
I wait until I have all the pertinent information before expressing my opinion
I let go of sadness , anger , or fears from the past and I can move on
I realize that as a person, I have strengths and weaknesses
I take time for quiet reflection
I know I am not perfect, but I value who I am.
I can usually identify the emotion I am feeling when an event occurs
I know my values …show more content…
I neither bury my anger nor let it explode
Indicate how much you agree with each statement -Level of Agreement (1= low, 5= high)
Interpersonal self-assessment 1 2 3 4 5
I am interested in discovering the emotional makeup of others
I generally have an accurate idea of how another person perceives me during a particular interaction
I create an environment where people can say what is on their mind.
I can easily meet and initiate conversation with new people.
I have a number of people I can turn to and ask for help when I need it.
I am interested in helping people grow and develop
I can engage with a person in a way that helps me “size up” that person's mood based on non-verbal signals
I can deal calmly and sensitively with others when they are in an emotional state.
People usually feel inspired and encouraged after talking with me
I can show empathy and match my feelings with those of another person in an interaction
I’m comfortable expressing my viewpoints without being pushy
I focus my full attention when I listen to another