The timing was perfect. To my surprise the baby wasn't due into the beginning of September which meant I will have to miss two and a half months of school. for a regular high school student it wasn't so bad. after all the campus provides with homeschool which wouldn't let anybody get behind. my preocupation begging when I realize that my cosmetology course will be directly affected since the program is based on not only assignment and test but also hands on activities and hours you're suppose to make every single day when you're present to class into you reach 1,500 hours. …show more content…
She was afraid I wasn't going to be able to finish the program and due to my absences. My heart shatted, my passion for my career path was being knocked down and my frustration was major. I couldn't do anything to stopped it.
I convenced her to not drop me from her class and I promised to try my best to make up my hours as soon came back to school. Dealing with homeschool, doctor's appointments and family issues was enough pressure,just when I tought things couldn't get worse, the babys arrival was here. my two months of maternity leave went by so