When I first got there the put me in a room and introduced me to the anesthesiologist and the reconstructive surgeon. The surgeon told me that his plan is to remove the dead tissue from my burns and then they’ll do skin grafts to help my third and fourth degree burns. After I was done speaking with the surgeon the anesthesiologist started to tell me what he was going to do. He said that he’ll be putting a local anesthetic that will put me to sleep. While the surgery is going he’ll be monitoring me and my blood pressure, heart rhythm, temperature, level of consciousness, and amount of oxygen in my blood. It was time to go back I was told the surgery would take about 5 to 7 hours and that after I wake up I’ll be taken back to my room. …show more content…
She was very gentle and caring. She told me her job was to care for me and my family as well. She then went on to tell me about my burns and what to expect. She told me that my first degree burns wouldn’t blister and would just be super red and painful and that my second degree burns would feel just like my first degree burns but would have blisters. She then told me that my third and fourth degree burns caused damage to all layers of my skin and that they might not have any pain because the burns could have cause nerve damage. She also told me that the third and fourth degree burns could cause some complications in the body such as, dehydration, shock and chemicals balances. I had my burns cleaned two times a day. She cleaned my burn areas with mild soap, dried it, applied ointment cream, and then put gaze and a bandage wrap on