
Personal Narrative: My Attachment Styles

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The best way to describe the attachment style between my grandparents and I was securely attached. In daycare I would always be upset watching my grandmother leave but then it was always easy for me to get along with other people and make friends while she was gone. When she returned, I was incredibly excited to see her and would immediate re-attach myself to her. My grandmother tells a particular story of the first day I was at a new daycare and I was fine when she dropped me off but when she picked me up she describes me as running to her with a runny nose and skinned knees because I had been thrown off of the merry-go-round. That was the first and last day of my attendance at that particular day care.
Growing up my grandparents constructed an authoritative type home for me. Both, especially my grandmother, held extremely high standards for my academically and socially. I was and still am expected to be involved in a plethora
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There were high expectations of me but they applied to the areas of my choosing. I was allowed to create my own goals but I was always expected to reach them, if not go above and beyond. This allowed me enough freedom to have experience and feel like a was supported in every aspect of my life and that any limits that were set for me were for my best interest. For example, during freshman and sophomore year of high school I was never allowed to go out on weekdays after rehearsals or soccer practice because it was important that I focus on schoolwork. Junior year I was allowed to go out out but had to be back by a certain time and senior year I was allowed to choose when I came home as long as I called if I was going to be out late. This taught me responsibility and priority later in college when I was in control of my own schedule even though I didn’t understand it at the

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