Lindsey, I asked him a series of question to find out what makes him a Change Agent, and this is what he had to say. When asked, when thinking back on all your experiences which one made him into the type of leader you are today? He replied, “In the Law Enforcement field, being able to teach people some appropriate things, and wanting to help the community.” Next I asked, how did he discover his purpose in life? His response, “I was asked to draw 3 circles, in those circles write your purpose for life; the first was Fairness, second Family, and the last Law & Order the television show.” Being a well rounded leader such as yourself, what do you perceive as the obstacles and/or challenge you have faced? Mr. Lindsey took a moment of thought then replied “dealing with other people prepsions, overcoming diversity, and burn
Lindsey, I asked him a series of question to find out what makes him a Change Agent, and this is what he had to say. When asked, when thinking back on all your experiences which one made him into the type of leader you are today? He replied, “In the Law Enforcement field, being able to teach people some appropriate things, and wanting to help the community.” Next I asked, how did he discover his purpose in life? His response, “I was asked to draw 3 circles, in those circles write your purpose for life; the first was Fairness, second Family, and the last Law & Order the television show.” Being a well rounded leader such as yourself, what do you perceive as the obstacles and/or challenge you have faced? Mr. Lindsey took a moment of thought then replied “dealing with other people prepsions, overcoming diversity, and burn