When I came to this school, I was in the fifth grade. At first, I didn't like it at all. I got in trouble to much, and that was the main reason I didn't like it here. Through fifth grade I was not a good student, had bad grades, and had too many levels to count. By sixth grade, I was starting to mature and wasn't getting bad grades as often, but I was still getting in trouble. By seventh grade, I was getting good grades and barely got into trouble. I think the main reason for that is because of my teacher Mr. Finley. In my eighth grade year, I was what some people would call a perfect student. At least in the beginning of the year, that is. By the halfway point of the year, I was getting into trouble again and my …show more content…
For my freshman year, I had the help of my brother, but by tenth grade, he graduated from MHS and went to college. My sister helped me out to, but not as much, because she got in even more trouble than I did. She lost her freshman scholarship. Once I was in tenth grade, I was doing okay. My grades were good, but I didn't get effort and conduct or honor roll. By eleventh grade, I was a perfect student. Well… not so perfect. I didn't get effort can conduct or honor roll, but was very close. As a senior, I got no levels and only missed honor roll by a point. Effort and conduct, I also missed by only a point. My graduation was a lot of fun, and I got my ring, which says “Class of 2021” on it in actual gold!
Life at the International Culinary School:
My college years were tough, but fun. I got excellent grades, and didn't fail one quiz., because our quizzes were cooking, and I love cooking! I didn't have any debt, thanks to MHS. My overall tuition was 70,384$, so I didn't have debt. I lived at home and worked at Panera Bread. I didn't have to do much anything else but math and cooking. I got an internship at the hershey lodge, but turned it down because I wanted to work in philadelphia. If I could redo my college years, I would do the same thing over again because my experience was great.
Life as a Pastry