The Spirit opened my mind to consider what my bishop said about the teaching of fence sitters in the premortal life being false some years after.
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The opinion about the fence-sitting pre-earth spirits becoming Blacks of African heritage is still a belief among some Mormons though The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints denounces it. I have taught classes where members referenced it and I had to explain that it is not …show more content…
Some might say that I am reaching here when I instruct that all the people born to this life will accept Christ and endure a cross and received an appropriate mansion in heaven save a few people who become perdition . All people chose Jesus Christ to come here and fought valiantly to get here, even the supposed seed of Cain, the Black people. The war in heaven is like the war on terror, there are no neutral parties, only combatants!
O the greatness and the justice of our God! For He executeth all His words, and they have gone forth out of His mouth, and His law must be fulfilled.
What is the word of God? He came, He suffered, He died, He overcame, and He resurrected so that all of us, all could have the chance to be like Heavenly Father. Nephi explained that (with a few italicized words here and tweaks there to fit the point I am trying to