Prp, other words, personal reliability program is a United States Department of Defense psychological evaluation program, designed to prevent the theft, unauthorized or accidental use of nuclear weapons by assessing the loyalty, trustworthiness, and mental stability of personnel with access to nuclear weapons or weapons-usable nuclear material. The Department of Defense supports the national security of the United States by maintaining an effective nuclear deterrent while protecting the public health, safety, and environment. Because of that, nuclear-weapons need careful surroundings because of their policy rules and military importance, their destructive power, and the political consequences of an accident or an unauthorized act. The safety, security, control, and effectiveness of nuclear weapons are important to the security of our country. Nuclear weapons shall not be subject to loss, theft, sabotage, unauthorized use, unauthorized destruction, unauthorized disablement, jettison, or accidental damage.
Only the commander who owns the squadron will let those who have showed the highest degree of reliability for allegiance, trustworthiness, conduct, behavior, and responsibility will be able to perform duties involved with nuclear weapons, and they will be continuously evaluated about PRP standards. PRP began in the 1960’s and carries military, civilian and contractors that can gain access to nuclear weapons, components of nuclear weapons, weapons systems, certified critical component, etc. used to launch them. Some of the ways security forces can get decertified is abuse of alcohol, drugs, or emotional problems. Since Prp is very serious, a background check is conducted to verify identity, credit history, criminal history, reputation and character. Psychological and medical screening are used to evaluate the mental health and stability of the person, depression, high/low blood pressure and other disorders are all taken into