Identification of the health and nutrition problem that may be targeted * Four nutritional or physical exercise goals * Actions taken to meet each goal * Anticipated setbacks or difficulties and approaches for overcoming them * Outcomes by which to measure success * Evidence …show more content…
Our bodies have needs and with these needs there are limits and boundaries as in all things. What we eat, how much we eat and how much we push ourselves to reach our bodies full potential are important factors to good health. I have found a plan that will work for me and although everyone of us have many different needs we should at least take the time to figure out what those needs are.
At the present time I am pregnant and my nutritional needs have changed drastical over the last eight months. My due date is March 27, 2011 and once the baby is born my nutrional needs will change yet again. Many pregnant women complain because of the changes that occur in their body during pregnancy and that once they give birth that these changes are irreversible, well I say that’s not true if your willing to work at it. I have made a nutrional and exercise guide that will continue to meet my needs why I am pregnant and that will help me regain my figure, strenth and endurance of before; after the baby is born and maintain it throughout my …show more content…
I have chosen four goals that will be applied to my life on a Daily/Weekly basis. It was important to me to know what my body needs and is capable of before setting actual goals. My diet is pretty healthy as of now due to the tips I have been given by my doctor. Fruits and vegetables are constantly in my diet as well as milk, cheese, breads and proteins. My weight as of today is 162 lbs. My weight before I got pregnant was 136 lbs. I have been advised that cardio is my best source of exercise while being pregnant but that I can implement any exercise I wish starting 6 weeks after my delivery. Knowing that the foods I intake are already in league with any health plan I choose is good to know. I eat three to four servings of each food group daily with the exception of bread and grains which I eat about 1-2 servings because breads contain high amounts of carb’s which my body does not utilize as well as I would like. I find that my weaknesses are not found so much in my eating habits but in my will power to exercise and that my body does not receive near the amount of liquids it needs. I eat enough healthy foods but I should cut back on foods with high amounts of sugars, caffeine and carb’s in general not because I eat to much of them or for my weight it is just a personal need due to the fact that these foods are not healthy