Parental status has an effect on the mother's wages. One reason for this is because it’s not fair for parental status to have any influence on a mother’s wages. This is because when a woman has a child, it won’t necessarily make the woman less of a hard worker. If anything, it would make her a better worker because she has the thought of coming …show more content…
home to her kids to get her through the day. Also, in Family-Friendly Policies Can Help Working Mothers it states that survey data between 1968-1978 found that there is a motherhood penalty of 4-7% for one child and an 11-15% for two or more children. My last reason is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. This Act covers discrimination “on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.” Having to find someone to look after your child when you’re away can be extremely difficult. Harris-Solomon states that, “Approximately six out of every 10 children, or almost 12 million children, age five and younger are being jointly cared for by their parents and early childhood educators, relatives, or other child-care providers.” This means that almost all children have some sort of way that they’re taken care of when their parent(s) aren’t around, Secondly, in 1994, a Carnegie Corporation says that the problem for children with no child-care provider is a “quiet crisis”. It’s sad to think that people have to reference this as a quiet crisis because no one is really paying that much mind. It’s just something that we all assume gets taken care of. Child care teachers are not paid nearly enough. They should be paid the same (if not more) than other jobs. You would think that because those programs cost so much, the teachers would be paid pretty well. But this is not the case. The child-care programs cost so much because that’s their funding. Recently, there’s been a lack of funding and the CSCCE recommends people to request for increased federal funding. This way the teachers would get the pay they deserve, and the program will still get funded enough. Contributing, Loewenberg tells us that, “Despite the important nature of their work, child-care teachers are among the country's lowest-paid workers with a median hourly wage of just $10.31, about 39% below the $17.00 median wage of other occupations. Although child-care has many rough spots, it also has great things too such as your kids learning how to socialize.
This will mean that they get a head start than kids who participate in one on one child care. They’ll be able to communicate and be used to having other kids being around them. Another reason is that they’ll be in good hands. The people who work there are trained professionals. If you don’t feel comfortable with your child under their watch, who else would you trust? However, you should check out a daycare or babysitters house before you drop off your young child. Child care is a hard thing to come across in life especially when it deals with parental status, finding someone to look after your kid, and when the teachers aren’t being paid enough. When thinking about your child going to ay care, don’t think about getting them out of your hair for the day so you won’t have to worry about them, think about them in a place where they can thrive and have fun with other