For everywhere we look, we’re exposed to fast food ads. Of course there’re plenty of reasons children should reduce their TV time, however, it leading to child obesity should be our top concern. It
Elkarim 4 has been proved lately that fast food marketing is disastrously effective, a new report from the World Health Organization’s European office (WHO/Europe) suggests.
Television isn’t the only way fast food companies could win children over. Putting it in other words, ”Do junk food ads contribute to childhood obesity?” says that as technology evolves, children are being exposed to fast food everywhere such as children’s websites, social media sites, and smart phone apps that often target children and teens with age- specific product advertising (Smith). Parents should be blamed too. Beth goes on and calls for a time out in children’s screen time. He then suggests a couple of ideas parents should use to limit their children screen time to ensure that there are limits on both exposure to fast food ads and sedentary behavior. In addition to the lack of activity and our unsupportive society, obesity can be the result of an obese