Teachers should have guns in school because it reduces the amount or attacks and threats around schools. In 2011 10 Iowa schools were attacked and 5 students were killed. This caused them to pass a law for their teachers to carry weapons if they were trained. Ever since the law was passed there have been no attacks or threats to those schools. Also this has allowed the teachers to teach without having that to worry about threats and attacks.
Teachers should have guns in school because it makes …show more content…
Bethany Hansen was teaching her second year at Creek Elementary. When there was an anat there was a shooter outside of her school she was scared but her students weren’t. So she decided she didn’t want to be scared so she talked to her school board and they allowed their teachers to have guns . Now she is one of ten teachers who carry guns in their school. Now she has more confidence and she can focus more on her work. This is why teachers should carry guns in school.
Some will say teachers should not have guns in school. They claimed one armed police officer is enough. In a 2013 poll of 2,000 police officers they said they school duty was one of the worst parts of the job. So why put some person who doesn't even want to be there in charge of protecting a whole school. While others schools would have over 10 teachers armed and trained the same way to shoot as the officer. Which one is more effective and could protect the most people. One person can only be in one place ten people could be in 10 different places . This is why teachers should have guns in