If the puppy seems warm or sleepy most of the time, ask one of your parents to take its temperature. A dog’s temperature normally is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius. If its temperature rises above 39 degrees, call your veterinarian.…
The welfare of animals is a much spoken about topic, especially as the animals cannot talk about it themselves. It can be seen that our society worries too much about the welfare of animals but does not take enough action to protect these animals.…
Did you ever wonder what an animal has to say? Only if we could communicate with animals and hear all the abuse it goes through maybe our thoughts would reflect on Animal Neglect. Animal neglect is cruel; not only does it harm innocent animals in captivity but also, it's denies animals to live life fully.…
Yes we need to test our drugs and surgical stuff on something so that humans do not have to suffer but the way that they are killed is inhumane and wrong. Pigs have done nothing to deserve to die and suffer for our own selfish needs. I believe it is inhumane to kill them and use them the way that we do and we should find another way to test on them. Even though we need to test on something to help us. I think there should be another way to make this happen rather than kill them and watch them…
Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. (2011).Guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals. Retrieved from Office of Extramural Research - National Institutes of Health on November 14, 2012…
`”God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages” (Deval, Jacques). There are many things wrong about animal research, and I think that a lot of it is wrong. Animal testing is wrong because it harms animals, animals’ rights are violated in tests, it is expensive, there are better alternatives, and the results of these tests aren’t always accurate or reliable.…
The lies everyone is getting told on how bad hog confinements are hurting the farmers. They put their lives into raising and taking care of theses hogs. Most people don’t really know what the inside of the buildings look like or how many hours the producers are with their pigs each day. Some get up at 5 A.M. and don’t get home till 10 P.M.. Most hog farmers families don’t see them unless it weekends or they go with them to work. They spend hours making sure the ones that are sick get taken care of. They even change every time they leave a building so that they don’t carry any of the germs to the next building. People might complain about the smell, but that’s how the farmer raises good crops from the manure. Farmers in general feed the world. Without them many people would be dying of starvation. The hog Confinements are not dangerous to humans or the hogs they are actually a lot better environment.…
Animals from creation have been an essential integral part of human beings. They have frequently been, either directly or indirectly, used by humans to achieve their needs. Hence they are important part and great asset to humans. These animals do have lives different from that of humans and equally have some similar characteristics with humans like emotional feelings. This very fact puts humans in a difficult position of determining the amount of respect and regard that should be accorded to the animals. Some people agitate that animals should be granted same equal rights as human beings. Inasmuch as I quite agree that animals should be granted some rights in order to be free from cruel treatments by humans, the issue of granting them equal full rights as enjoyed by humans should not come up. An objective review of such factors as tradition, cultural believes, religious, socio-economic, and medical as well as salient natural features that distinguish animals from humans like morality, and ability to…
“We love all animals, it’s just people we’re not too crazy about,” is a comment made by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) (Fegan 1). This outrageous comment insinuates PETA puts animals’ rights before the rights and needs of humans, which is not the way nature intended. The PETA organization has been around since 1980 affectively with their hyped-up, illogical stories of how we need to treat animals as equals and grant them rights that only we, as humans, should enjoy. These are assumptions and claims which are used to further their cause and are not founded in reality. Contradictory to PETA’s beliefs, animals should not have the same rights as humans, because that is the law of nature. According to Erasmus Darwin, who stated “Such is the condition of organic nature! whose first law might be expressed in the words 'Eat or be eaten!”. (Science Quotes by Erasmus Darwin) I do not intend to condemn animal rights activists, since people are entitled to their own opinions, but rather discuss why this way of life may be harmful to themselves and others.…
Between twenty six and seventy six million sharks are being killed annually for their fins. Commercial fishing is one of the biggest threats to sharks because they are often bycought in other fisheries. When this happens most fishermen will cut off the fins and throw the shark back into the waters to bleed to death. The fish and other animals that live in the ocean are also affected by the exploitation of sharks.…
What would you do if you saw someone harming an animal? Good morning/ afternoon. If you hadn’t already gathered with the “smack in the face” question I just asked I am here today to talk to you about animal abuse and animal cruelty. Imagine if you were the one being tested on, imagine your skin being torn off whilst alive, imagine your arms and legs being broken and ripped off while you were alive, imagine being burnt alive, imagine even being killed just to satisfy other species. Doesn’t sound nice does it?…
Every day animals are abused and lose hope, they don't know when their next meal will be or if anyone will ever love them again. Animals are unfairly treated for this reason. After a long time they will be euthanized, which mean put down. To think all they wanted was some love and care. With your help we can save animal's life. I am proposing that you donate whether it be time, money, or even adopt an animal. If your family is looking into getting an animal look at our local shelters like Wadena and Hubbard county shelters first because you may just find a best friend for life.…
Many wild animals across the world are removed from their natural habitats and forced into captivity. Many are subject to abuse all for entertainment and profit. Unfortunately, many people who say they “love animals” may actually be contributing to the suffering of these animals because they are unaware of the things going on behind the scenes. Whether it’s simply seeing animals at the zoo, watching the whale shows at SeaWorld, riding elephants, or swimming with dolphins; people see these as fun ways to interact with wild animals. In reality, these animals greatly suffer in captivity and thus should not be used for entertainment.…
This generation of human beings was lucky enough to be born at a time where there are heart transplants, and vaccines for illnesses. Also, we love to use products from Covergirl, Dove, and Pantene. Yes, all of these things are very important in our everyday lives. But, we tend to overlook what goes on behind the scenes. Covergirl, Dove, Pantene test their products on animals. Also, heart transplants and vaccines all go through animal testing first. The animals used in these tests get locked up in dark cages, and suffer through countless, painful procedures when there are better options. I believe that animal testing is unethical and should be banned for three reasons. Animal testing is inaccurate, cruel, and it is lengthy and delays the discovery…
The Animal Welfare Accountability and Transparency Act was introduced on March 2nd, less than a month after the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service removed animal welfare archives from nine thousand research labs, dog breeders and other facilities. This includes records from government programs such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration that require tests on dogs and rats. They also include pet store chains, zoos, and aquariums. These records describe in detail the quality of animal care in facilities structured by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and Horse Protection Act (HPA). Most of this information has been refurbished because of lawsuits from animal welfare organizations, but tens of…