Master Thesis
Business Administrations
Track: International Management
School of Management and Governance
University of Twente
P.O Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Pham Le Anh Van
Supervisory committee
Dr. H.J.M Ruel
Dr. Tanya Bondarouk
Pham Le Anh Van- Master Thesis
This thesis aims to studying the prevalent IHRM activities of MNCs in the recent years which are HRM transformation and its implementation process. It will be carried out by investigating the HRM reorganization of Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) in 2008 and the change implementation process carried out in NSN Asia Pacific (APAC) and NSN Vietnam.
The research is mainly framed through the internal document of the studied company and four interviews with NSN APAC/Vietnam HR Managers and Vietnam Sales Managers. The conceptual framework of this research is constituted from the interrelation of operational strategy of specific multinational companies, the International Human Resource Management
(IHRM) with the balance between centralization and decentralization and the HRM transformation process. Changing the HRM system from Country base to Customer-operation base approach, NSN top managers have got many improvements in their management of human resources regarding Employee‟s Engagement, Recruitment, Compensation, Training and Career‟s Development and Performance Management. This positive result represents the evidence of the appropriate adjust between company‟s IHRM power centralization and decentralization. Moreover, in order to correctly apply the latest approach, every NSN‟s employee is suggested to get through a change implementation process which provides them generic guidelines to gradually adapt to the new circumstance.
Pham Le Anh Van- Master Thesis
First of all, I would like to
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