Sports Psychology
The American Psychological Association defines sport psychology as "the study of the psychological and mental factors that influence and are influenced by participation and performance in sport, exercise, and physical activity, and the application of the knowledge gained through this study to everyday settings." Sport psychology Researcher Robin S. Vealey has said that all evidence points to the fact that sport psychology techniques are effective, according to Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (Carnes, 2011). The use of psychological interventions in competitive sport to enhance performance has become increasingly popular. However, the effectiveness of these interventions has been questioned by some sports psychologists (W. Weinberg, 1994). …“from a scientific perspective, it 's a sham. If you just write off negative results, how do you know your intervention does anything at all?” (Engber, 2006). Sports psychology techniques include goal setting - attainable short and long term challenges, imagery - improving sporting performance using only the mind, simulation - simulating performance day conditions, focus - using imagery to the point where the outside world is shut out and lastly, flow - which is a state of effortless concentration that results from a period of intense focus (Carnes, 2011) Can sports psychology really help the best athletes perform even better? Nobody really knows. Despite all the scientific-sounding rhetoric, applied sport psychology remains a qualitative science—more of an art form than a demanding clinical practice. It 's not clear if mental training improves performance on the field; what evidence we do have relies more on personal anecdotes than hard data (Engber, 2006).
Throughout the term I, in class have been recording information about my training sessions. This included psychological strategies applied and performance measurements to understand whether I have achieved
Bibliography: 1. Money Instructor, 2002 - 2012, Sports Training and Exercise: Setting Goals in Sports, Cited 6/8/2012 2. W. Carnes, 1994, Sports Psychology Techniques, Cited 6/8/2012 3. Unknown Author, 2005, ‘Creating S.M.A.R.T Goals’ Cited 6/8/2012, 4 6. Bonnie Vanaman, 2011, ‘Visualization Techniques for Athletes’ Cited 30/8/2011 7 8. Daniel Engber, 2006, ‘Does Sport Psychology Work?’ Cited 30/8/2006